The Human Body has Infinite Healing Wisdom

The human body was perfectly designed with homeostasis at the center. With 79 known organs, 12 organ systems, 3.7 trillion cells, and up to 50 brain processes happening simultaneously and in synch, there are only a few things we absolutely must do to sustain this system in homeostasis. Hydrate, fuel, rest, digest and detox. The majority of the wisdom the human body uses to maintain this system is genetic and innate. From the moment of conception the cells that make up our whole body know exactly what do to and when to do it, in what order and what fashion and in what timing. From the the moment that the sperm fertilizes the egg, to the first cell division, to neuralization, the development of the nervous system, our building blocks, cells, have infinite wisdom to carry out their processes in perfect harmony.

In our society, time and ease are valued over health and with that, health has declined steadily in the past 60 years. With obesity levels near 42%, and a dis-ease management system that makes nearly $173 billion in 2019 dollars annually from the “medical care” of obesity, we are in the midst of the largest man made pandemic we’ve ever seen. We consume more and more additives, preservatives, pesticides, and other chemicals more than we do real, whole food, and the state of our health as a whole is evidence of this reality. Through this mass dietary/nutritional neglect we are now seeing an exponential rise in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD.) The prevalence of NAFLD is 80-90% in obese adults, 30-50% in patients with diabetes and up to 90% in patients with hyperlipidemia. The prevalence of NAFLD among children is 3-10%, rising up to 40-70% among obese children. Moreover, pediatric NAFLD increased from about 3% a decade ago to 5% today, with a male-to-female ratio of 2:1.

It is our belief that returning to a diet of real, whole food, proper hydration, adequate nutrient intake, optimal sleep and regular moderate exercise can help the body return to its inherent infinite wisdom, to return to a Whole Healthy Self.

Obesity-related conditions include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer. These are among the leading causes of preventable, premature death


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