Circadian Rhythm, what is it and why is it important?

“Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle. These natural processes respond primarily to light and dark and affect most living things, including animals, plants, and microbes.” NIH May 4, 2022

Our “Biological Clock” or our bodies innate timing device, is what regulates our circadian rhythm and almost every cell in the body has its own biological clock. Having an optimal environment for them to operate within is critical.

We are genetically designed to regulate our synchronistic rhythm with nature, the rising and setting of the sun and the moon triggering our natural rest response hormones, digestion, regeneration, as well as preparing us for the day ahead by triggering the release of the rise and shine hormones, appetite, and increasing body temperature.

When we are in a constant state of stress or anxiety, the bodies design is undermined and this creates the perfect atmosphere for illness and dis-ease to develop and present. Dis-ease is nothing if not opportunistic, so we have to make choices to reduce the opportunities.

Making the simple choice to wake up and watch a sunrise, or make the time to watch the sunset, we are making a choice to support our bodies innate homeostatic system in doing what it was designed to do. This can set in motion a series of hormonal and chemical reactions in your body that are literally made to help you get to the Rest Response.

One choice at a time, one step at a time, you can return to a natural state of health, wellness, and overall wellbeing. We’re here to help!

Happy healing journey to you all!



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The Human Body has Infinite Healing Wisdom